The Legend of Mor'du (2012 Video)
A legend that could have had more magic
25 June 2019
Saw 'The Legend of Mor'du' for many reasons. Love animation, and always have done as a child, will be forever grateful towards it for helping me relax when very much needed. Love Pixar and a vast majority of their films. Really like to love their theatrical short films and the feature-related shorts are fun enough though don't put them on the same level personally. Will admit that 'Brave' is not one of my favourite feature films of theirs, consider it one of their lesser films while not disliking it anywhere near as much as some (still liked it actually).

'The Legend of Mor'du' is one of their feature related films and is an interesting and well made one in its own right, did like the visuals and how it focused on the witch. If comparing 'The Legend of 'Mor'du' to 'Brave', it is to me inferior, inevitable as it is not a feature film and didn't have as much time and budget to make, and one can be forgiven if they questioned the point of it. From reading my review summary, one would understandably think that it seems like my thoughts on 'The Legend of Mor'du' were negative. Not so, have already said it was interesting and well made, but it could have done with more magic.

In terms of the story, 'The Legend of Mor'du' is slight and generic and the pace could have been tighter.

Do agree that the character design and movements for Dingwell were blocky and suggestive of time and budget starting to run out.

Otherwise, the animation is very good. Very stylish and atmospheric, simple but effective and the purposefully rough look at times didn't look cheap. Loved the sweeping camera movements and the first segment was imaginatively animated. Also loved the dark use of colour that added to the creepiness and the meticulously detailed backgrounds.

The opening credits are cleverly done. The music at times brought chills down my spine and not just adds to the atmosphere and action but enhances it. The witch is an interesting character and it was great to have some focus on her as she had enough to her to warrant more focus. Julie Walters does a great job voicing her. The other characters aren't as strong but far from bland. Headed by Walters, the voice acting is well done.

Altogether, not bad at all. 7/10
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