24 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
We see photos of a crime family as Joey (Rick Borgia) goes to prison for 15 years. He gets out and wants to go straight in spite of pressure from his brother Phil (Gaetano Iacono) and his running buddy Raymond (Gerard Adimando). Phil, in what looked like a flashback, but wasn't, robs a poker game of Rocky Sullivan (Daniel Werzinger). Phil doesn't enjoy his loot too long before he is fish food. Joey laments and opts to avenge his brother's death.

Yes there were some twist, but nothing overly clever. The film had cliche talk and over uses cinema techniques for example. When you want to create excitement, you up tempo the music. But when the tempo of the music far exceeds the excitement on the screen, it becomes noticeable, as in this film.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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