Watch Dogs 2 (2016 Video Game)
A sequel with improvements and flaws
29 April 2019
Watch Dogs 2 decides to go far a more light hearted and humorous route rather than the dark tone of the first game. Most of the time I would be fine with this if the humour in the game wasn't so bad. Most of the jokes fall flat and the characters seem to be forgettable excluding Wrench. The game has many improvements over the first. The Driving for one is greatly improved and hacking has much more importance unlike the first WD. Though due to Watch Dogs 2 being an online game even when playing single player has its problems. Due to this, slow mo shooting has been completely taken out. This was a pretty essential gameplay feature that was very fun to use in the 1st WD. Watch Dogs 2 seems to be a downgrade in gunplay which is sort of a problem but at the same time not, as watch Dogs 2 makes u rely more on hacking then shooting but it's still an obvious downgrade. I have a problem with the story line as the characters will kill countless innocent people/guards for their cause which is not major enough to excuse their actions. In the game you'll go from murdering 20 innocent guards at a corporate office to making jokes and laughing with your buddies in the next cutscene. It just doesn't work for me. Depends on how much you care for stories in games. But if you play games solely for the gameplay aspect this probably won't bother you.
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