Black Summer (2019–2021)
A gritty on the edge of your seat zombie treat
14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first IMDB review. I felt compelled to support this series after reading some overly negative reviews which I cannot comprehend. Some say the acting is awful. I disagree. Unlike acting in many higher budget series, the acting here is 'natural' shall we say. Realistic. The lines aren't delivered as actors from drama school. They feel unrehearsed adding to the authentic feeling of chaos and break down of everything. The speech in this series is also limited. That's also a good thing as it doesn't distract the viewer from the atmosphere of uncertainty and paranoia. Similarly to Walking Dead, often the humans are as deadly as the undead. There's not much you want to say to someone trying to kill you! And the atmosphere is awful. There is hardly a moment to relax in this short series. Like the characters themselves, it feels as if you are rushing from one awful circumstance to another with barely a pause to rest. The makers of this have captured the panic and chaos of the breakdown of society really well with fast paced editing and clever camerawork. Of course, the Zombies are similar to other Zombies. But the 28 days later approach is the correct one in this case. The Zombies are rabid, crazed, fast and relentless. It forces the pace of each episode to keep rushing along because you can't afford to stay still very long. Yes, you can pick silly little holes in the story like any sci-fi, horror or fictional themed movies. The one that got me was when they stole a load of guns but seemingly no ammunition. Silly, yes, but forgiveable and when you are in sressful environments it is possibly realistic. I haven't watched Z nation. However, this is how I like my Zombie flicks. Dystopian, gritty, adrenaline-fuelled and intelligently made. Even humorous whilst being horrifying. So, don't let the negative reviews put you off giving this a try.
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