Review of The Silence

The Silence (II) (2019)
There are many, many things wrong with this movie. Where to start?
11 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
1) The vespas are simply not very frightening. Yes, they look like a scary monster from a children's book, but surely most people get scared by things that pose a real threat, not just bad looks. 2) The characters make one poor and uneducated judgement after another. 3) What idea is it that 'dad' supposedly has, when he opts to leave the car? Surely not just throwing a wrench about to prove a point that has been made several times already? 4) Why does 'daughter' have the sound on when chatting with Rob, her being deaf? 5) Checkov's Gun. Anyone? The movie is riddled with objects that are hinted at but never used. Even guns. 6) Why is there a drain pipe where there is no dike and why is it barred? 7) Why is the farm house fenced like a fortress? 8) If the country is collapsing, who runs telecom infrastructure? They seem to have internet absolutely everywhere. 9) Apart from them knowing sign language, what exactly is it that is supposed to make a deaf girl better at being silent? 10) Considering the vespas supposedly navigate by ear, their hearing is remarkably poor. They are able to locate power lines to perch on, but not detect screaming food. 11) For a city slicker, 'dad' is remarkably quick at starting the wood chipper. And why does he not let it keep running? As someone else noted; he could have saved the planet long before it ran out of power. 12) What's with the 'the girl is fertile' thing? Humanity hasn't grown barren. It has become food. 13) Who in their right mind would allow their deaf daughter to walk the dog, alone, in the midst of an apocalypse?

This list can be expanded to much higher digits than this, however, there are many movies that suffer from these traits and still work. Why? Because they have redeeming features. What does this one have against it, then?

1) Poor or even close to no acting. 'Dad' seems to say 'okay' *a lot*. 'They crusified a man in Mississippi' -'okay'. 2) Amateurish CGI (admittedly the slow motion scene in the rain, is very cool, though). Especially the Range Rover rolling down the slope is tear wrenchingly horrible, closely followed by the explosion shortly after. 3) Scene transitions seem purposeless. Nothing carries a momentum. Things appear to happen out of the blue. 4) The score is... well I don't even remember if there even was one. More like a series of sounds attempting to present some level of eerieness.

So, what did it show in terms of redemption? A new take on the suicide belt cliché. A cool slow-mo CGI scene.
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