Review of Upgrade

Upgrade (2018)
26 March 2019
Upgrade greatly exceeded my expectations: truly entertaining, and remarkably well produced. Great acting by the lead character. Stylistically speaking, it's perfect: very good cinematography, amazing fight choreography, beautiful scenography and music, perfect CGI, and the overall "feel" of the atmosphere. Only 5 millions were spent. Often, you will not find that attention for scenography and CGI in Hollywood productions. In the end, it's a little nice movie with a standard plot that nonetheless got me hooked: it got more and more entertaining, and then some more. There are many cliches, but that's a plus: when the director is good, having a cliche smoothly inserted into the story is pure fun. Each of the main events has a reason to be and a nice explanation (sometimes, it's quite original), so that the story never really feels that "standard". There are just a couple of minor holes here and there, but nothing like what you will read in some reviews: infact, the structure is perfectly logic, and if part of the audience doesn't pay attention, that's not movie's fault.

Ps: forgot to mention... I realized I never saw a movie depicting cyber-bio-implants or whatever. Blade Runner does not, Ex-Machina does not, Strange days does not. This movie finally does.
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