Second big-screen spin-off from the TV series with the magnificent Peter Cushing as the uncanny Dr. Who
25 March 2019
Daleks , invasion Earth 2150 AD is an acceptable rendition and sequel to ¨Dr Who and the Daleks¨ about title mutants who are trying to take over Earth and from classic British TV serial with an agreeable Peter Cushing playing the popular British role along with some guest stars . He is a mysterious profesor travelling throughout time and space by a phone booth : the Tardis . They're transported to a future world and end up on an destroyed Earth . Wherein The Daleks' fiendish plot in 2150 against Earth . There people fighting the mutants named Daleks who are robotising the inhabitants , they are robot-like and belong to kind of war-mongering mutant creatures who have hidden their brittle bodies in armour shells . But their scheme is foiled when Dr. Who and friends arrive from the 20th century and to figure it out , as well as endeavouring to save the future world from the robotic threat .

Here the eccentric doctor Who (the always watchable Peter Cushing) takes his familiars , a little girl (Roberta Tovey) and a young woman (Jill Curzon replacing Jennie Linden) along with a cop (Bernard Cribbins) on a trip throughout space and time . This is second and last to date of the big screen Dr. Who spinoffs .The plot is plain and simple : the planet has been devastated by an atomic war and they must help the humans facing the Daleks , living various adventures through wasteland , starking landscapes , strange aircrafts and deep mines .

This is an enjoyable cinematic adaptation about the interminable British television series with the Daleks unsurprisingly coming to grief after invading a ruined London of the future . The ever popular Peter Cushing is excellent reviving his classic interpretation as Dr. Who , furthermore the veteran Andrew Keir , the little girl Roberta Tovey and Ray Brooks . And plodding through a shopworm screenline in which the good Doctor Who helps an outcast team of surrounded inhabitants , a singularly camp crew against their Dalek opressors . Very tame and marginally better than the first outing . Really variable special effects and often excruciatingly cheapo sets , though alien aircraft is pretty well , in spite of being a miniature or scale model in toy-alike . The settings are moderately imaginative in a tacky sort of way , even tackier on the side of Bernard Cribbins chasing delinquents while are robbing . The film displays a a rare electronic music by Bill McGuffie and colorful and glimmering cinematography by John Wilcox , Hammer's ordinary . It's preceded by ¨Dr Who and the Daleks¨ (1965) also directed by Gordon Flemyng with Cushing , Jennie Linden , Roberta Tovey and Roy Dotrice . Others Dr. Who for television in the long-running serial are the followings : Tom Baker , William Hartnell, John Pertwee , Patrick Troughton , Paul McGann , Christopher Eccleston , David Tennat , Matt Smith , Peter Capaldi . Being produced in medium budget by the usual producer couple : Milton Subotsky and Max J. Rosemberg . The motion picture was uneven but professionally directed by Gordon Fleming . He was a fine director such as : ¨The split¨ about a blaxploitation heist , ¨Philby , Burgues and McLean , spy scandal of the century¨ , a chilling tale about tree of Britain's most notorious spies , ¨Catherine the Great¨ , ¨Cloud waltzing¨ and ¨The last granade¨ . He also directed episodes of known TV series such as : Avengers , The Bill , The baron , Taggart , The odd man , until his early death at 61 . The flick will appeal to Sci-Fi fans and juvenile public and OK for undemanding kids .
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