A standard romantic comedy with a little extra something...
18 March 2019
Right, well this is your every day run-of-the-mill romantic comedy from the South Korean cinema, sure. But there is a little bit more to it than just your generic boy meets girl and in-and-out-of-love.

Sure, South Korea pump the romantic comedies out by the gallons on a daily basis. And it is hard to find the ones that actually distinguish themselves in the sea of similar movies. "Neo-eui kyeol-hoon-sik" (aka "On Your Wedding Day") actually managed to differentiate itself from many others of the similar type, which actually makes it worth the effort to sit down and watch this movie.

It should be said that the story is fairly generic, but there are some nice enough twists and changes to the story that you wouldn't necessarily expect to see, which did make for a nice pace and change of scenery in the rom-com genre.

The movie is very nicely carried by Bo-Young Park (playing Hwan Seung-hee) and Young-kwang Kim (playing Hwang Woo-yeon).

However, while the movie certainly stands out in the sea of romantic comedies from the South Korean cinema, it is hardly a movie that you will watch more than a single time, because the storyline and plot just haven't enough worth to sustain multiple viewings.

I must admit to finding the ending of the movie rather enjoyable and a most welcome change of pace for the romantic comedy genre.
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