Is she a hero?
10 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Or a Captain? Where's the sacrifice and improving of herself? No need for it apparently, she just kicks into the scenes (which has a decent fight secuences) and that's it. If you seek a movie that gets you caught into the character, that make you worry about the hero, this is not your movie. With some language that is unusual (despising men too obviously), the movie forces the female characters to be the heroes. A movie that could also have some Nick Fury's awesome moments, fail to deliver and instead gives us a Furry weak character, but he was still funny and ironic at least. Remember the part of the movie that a machine analyses the cat and says "highly dangerous",and then a analyses Fury and says "human MALE, not dangerous"? I don't remember the sex of the cat. Anyhow the cat was a nice comical relief inside a weak plot. Good things of the movie: acting, VFX, secuences. Bad things: weak plot, obssesive feminist writing, lack of suffering from the hero, lack of information (how did Danvers became to be Kree?) and messing up the original Captain Marvel, yes, Mar Vell is just altered so terribly in the movie. These empty spots makes you wonder if this was a rushed movie, and it was. More time to see the chracter grow from impulsive to controlled and brave was needed. The movie was an attempt to make the character be loved instantly, but it certainly lacks 3 movies for us to get related to it and see it grow. Why is Captain Marvel a hero? Because she says so. Because Kree tells so. She doesn't become a hero, she is already a hero. Isn't that just anticlimactic? The movie is just ok, forgettable as there are no epic scenes of courage, nor lines that make your remember what certain character felt. A movie with good action scenes (not great ones), a predictable plot twist (because the plot was simple enough, the mentor becoming the bad guy), and a language that makes you wonder if isn't this meant for certain audience instead for a comic universe. This is a movie set in the 90s, with the 90s cliché alive and kicking. Almost forgot about the post credit scenes! Ah yes, I forgot because is nothing we already didn't know. I wonder, at what time did standards lowered for defining a hero? Open wide and eat your daily ration of agenda ruining movies.
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