When he had sex and she had sex
25 February 2019
When Harry Met Sally is a romance film about some people who were acquainted and meet each others throughout their lives in New York to make a new relationship. These characters fit very well together in this story and the actors work very well off one another the supporting actors in the film are also well in keeping the story going the entire 95 minute runtime. Which I believe is a perfect runtime of the story it did not need to be any long then it was as it only needed that time to reach the end. I was fairly entertained throughout the entire film it was fun to watch the characters bounce off of one another to make a heart warming story for two people who didn't really know how to love. This film, directed Rob Reiner and written by Nora Ephron in 1989, worked really well as a fun relationship story but I thought it was alright overall. It is a good movie and put together very well but it is just not my cup of tea. The dialogue was fairly good, I however felt that the movie could have been sweeter and more heart warming if it didn't revolve around sex. There is not a conversation in this movie that doesn't talk about sex and I felt that the character's were kinda gross at the end as they threw themselves at everyone who walked by. Other than there being a large concentration of that topic the dialogue felt very real and natural. This was my first time watching this film and it was not what I expected it and I thought it was a little refreshing to the other love stories I have seen, that all seem to have a Romeo and Juliet template. This was just two average joe people who who had similar problems, that they couldn't accept their pasts. It was fun to watch them work it out in their different ways, but both ways went back to having sex with random people again. It is fine to have in a movie but the movie was surrounding the sex life of the characters and the "science about sex, for men and women". One of my favorite parts of this film that i thought was done very sweet and cute, was the phone calls between Billy and Meg. At this point in the film the characters have been very good friends and talked to each other about everything in their lives. You could tell that they both wanted a little it more from their relationship but neither one wanted to ruin it and admit that a Women and a Guy couldn't be friends. So they liked to call and talk with one another, to vent about their days and they did this while watching Casablanca on TV. I loved this scene so much because of how it was edited, making it seem as though the characters were sitting next to each watching the film together even though they were both alone at home in bed. Looking at them from behind, it looked like they were on a couch together. It was done very well. One last thing that I noticed in the movie that is probably very common in movies from this time, but the background in this movie was very strange. The direction for the characters in the background was look busy, or at least that is what it looked like it was to me, they just stood there some times and looked confused or they were whispering as though they didn't want to talk over the main characters covently. This movie was put together, acted, directed, shot and written fairly well but I just didn't get connected to the characters. I can see how this movie could be someone's favorite romance and be rated so well as sex sells but it was a little too much for me. So on a scale of one to 10 I'd give this a 6.5 out of 10. It was done technically well but I just didn't connect.
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