The Darkness II (2012 Video Game)
The Darkness II: Fantastic sequel
22 February 2019
First person is a genre that I grew up with but I believe it's gotten stale. They all seem to be carbon copies, near re skins of one another. They have a gimmick but some are better than others. Sadly for these reasons first person doesn't do much for me anymore.

The Darkness (2007) didn't impress me, it had it's gimmick but the whole thing felt flat. With the sequel I expected more of the same but walked away not only pleasantly surprised but really quite impressed.

It follows Jackie the mobster once again and his bond with the entity known as the Darkness. Not only do you have access to your usual array of guns and weaponry but you also have the dark powers at your disposal which is where the fun really comes into play.

Alongside this the game also has the new Vendetta mode which is a side campaign where you can play as one of a host of new characters, each with their own personal weaponry and power sets.

The story is considerably better than I'd expected which offers great relief from the mindless shooting and action sequences. It's safe to say that I was fairly engrossed and fascinated where the story was going to go next.

So the game plays well, it looks okay, the voice acting is top notch and it was interesting enough to keep my attention despite being part of a genre that I'm more than a little bored of.

The finale was fantastic but alas there was never going to be a part 3 to finish the story and the game very much finishes on a cliffhanger.

A great and final addition to the franchise.

The Good:

Lots of content

Some really fun mechanics

Strong story

The Bad:

Cliff hanger ending with no sequel

Graphics could be a bit tidier

Multiplayer is a bit pants
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