Black Panther (2018)
10 February 2019
Black Panther is the story of a king with super powers whose throne gets questioned by someone who sees themselves as the rightful heir to the throne. Chadwick Boseman plays T'Challa in this film who is the King of wakanda, an African Country that is hidden by technology. Michael B. Jordan plays a kid a kid from California, Erik Killmonger, who believes that he has been cheated from the throne and decides that he will challenge T'Challa for it. These characters both want to prove they are not possers of the power and are not pushovers. This movie was fairly entertaining, it had very good visual effects and fun action scenes. The movie just didn't hit that big not for me that it seemed to by everyone else. I had fun watching the film but I didn't think that it was great in anysense if the matter. The story seemed like a very played out of a man who thinks he should be king so he fights the king for it, just with superpowers. It was fun but again just not the best superhero film of the year or the past couple of years. This movie came out early last year following the huge buzz that was Captain America: Civil War, where the Black Panther was introduced. The movie didn't need to be another origin story and it wasn't so I give props to the filmmakers for that part of it. I just do not see how this movie got nominated for an oscar, all of the performances were fine, the dialogue was fine and the story was fine. All aspects of this film were done great, I believe with the script that the movie had it did the best it could on every level. The editing and sound were put together well to create seamless scenes and fights. All of the dialogue seemed real, for the most part. Not that the lines weren't written well, but the film takes place in an African Country and have been in that country forever, advancing far past the world, and staying hidden, but they all speak english. This is something that bothers me in a lot of movies, it might be very convenient but why don't they speak some African language, they have accents. Even the tribe that lives up into the mountains who seem to be a little primitive, when looking at how far they have advanced looking at how the other tribes have, they speak english as well throughout the film. Other than that though technically this film is very well done. Going through and watching this film There was a scene that I really enjoyed, the scene in which Erik challenges T'Challa for his throne. The scene takes place in the throne room, Erik is taken into the the room where he is being prosecuted. Only to find out that his has rights to be the King of Wakanda and the Black Panther. The camera use in this scene is very minimal, just cuts to who is talking going back and forth. It is a very common technique used to just show what everyone's thinking and feeling and that was probably the best way to go with this scene as what was happening was shocking a lot of people so all of their emotions. There is nothing notable about the lighting, the scene is in a room with a big window during the day so you can see everyone's face well. What I like about this scene is something that has been done a million times over is the build up with music until you find out what Erik was hiddining from them when he revealed his blood right and that he wanted to be the king. Just a simple build up in music before that delivery was done well. The pacing in this scene was fun to watch everything seemed fine and going a nice pace, then once they start to exchange information back and forth the camera cuts begin to speed up. From this scene which has no action you can see that on a technical aspect there are zero problems with this film. Another problem this film didn't have was acting, there was an all star cast. Everyone does really well to make their character believable and give true emotions for what is happening and what might happen for them in the future. I have only seen this film three times, in the theaters, once when I caught it on tv and when I just rewatched it this week to give a review, I do not have that big of a problem with the film, I am not a big fan of it though, as I have said I think that there are better superhero films, even better redemption films, which is a big element of this movie. With all of these different grips with the movie i do not want to give the impression that I hate this movie, just a tad bit overrated. I enjoyed it for the most part and if you like the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe than you would probably enjoy this film as well. If i was tot give this a film a rating from one to ten I would say 6/10. It was good on a technical scale but it was an overused story.
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