Review of Girl Flu.

Girl Flu. (2016)
Oddly unbalanced and a bit of a wasted opportunity
4 February 2019
This is certainly unusual, a film made by a woman in which the bad guys are women and both the main male characters are sensitive, unselfish paragons, who do and say the right thing every single time. Weird, and not that convincing.

It's well enough acted across the board, has a decent script, and I really wanted to like it because the young actress playing Bird gives an excellent performance, and really brings home how shocking and dispiriting this experience can be, especially first time around. But every time I started to get fully into this, the film cut away to yet another scene of the ghastly selfish mother character behaving unreasonably, while her boyfriend listens calmly, patiently trying to explain to her what reasonable means. Why would anyone even bother?

The two males, the mother's boyfriend and the boy who wants to be friends with Bird, are both too good to be true, the mother thinks everything is about her (literally) and unfortunately, the director seems to agree with her. In the end I didn't have the patience for all the repetition, but if you can put up with the mother's boring antics, you may find this worthwhile.
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