Rabid (1977)
Rabidly Entertaining
28 January 2019
Again, Cronenberg, has pulled another well made Canadian film, of less notoriety, where like Shivers (that and this showing some similarity) the story goes over our head, although we read the simple picture. An interesting if risky choice, having a porn queen as the lead, and Chambers does have some acting clout, in between all those smiles, poses, and more acting moments of falsity. The premise sees her the victim, the pillon of a nasty motorcycle crash, where she gets pinned under the falling bike, providing some nasty seconds of shock, here, where the boyfriend rider, Moore, very Cliff Richard looking, fares much better, even in the acting arena. Rabid does indulge in some great gory R rated violence, even in it's starting with a bloodied injured Chambers, on a gurney being whisked into a the much inviting doors of country hospital, only a couple of kilometres from the accident scene itself. Chambers becomes the first guinea pig, to be trialed with this new skin grafting process which of course, misfires, the catalyst for Chambers, sudden, hungry appetite for blood, after a month in a coma prior. The first guy, the naked Chambers sinks her teeth into, has you reliving an Insatiable moment and similar dialogue, you almost roll your eyes. It's just another zombie movie? Yes, but smarter, with an intriguing premise, only Rabid just doesn't reach it's full potential, although the film, itself, really tries. It's well acted and scripted, but it's less mainstream appeal, mirrors, or equals it's quality, but Cronenberg fans like me, will definitely get their entertainment and gore's worth. A chilling cold ending, you would say too.
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