One of the Best Documentaries of the Year!
21 January 2019
This is the documentary I've been waiting to see since first being introduced to Szukalski's extremely strange art book BEHOLD!!! THE PROTONG way back in 1996. Without a doubt, this is one of the best films of the year. I've seen the entire film twice already, and will no doubt watch it many more times. It's endlessly fascinating. If I have any complaint at all, it's that I wish the film was double its current length. The filmmakers, Irek Dobrowolski and Stephen Cooper, could have spent an entire two hours just on Szukalski's theory of Zermatism alone. (In fact, I could happily watch two hours focusing solely on Szukalski's Bigfoot/Yeti drawings.) Nonetheless, Dobrowolski and Cooper managed to accomplish the impossible. When I first heard about this project, I couldn't imagine how the filmmakers were going to compress so much information down to under two hours and still leave the audience with a coherent story that managed to convey the epic scope of Szukalski's life. Against all odds, the filmmakers somehow succeeded in pulling off this magic trick. Of course, Szukalski would be proud. Needless to say, somewhere in the Corridors of Power, the Yetisyn are getting angry at these two troublemakers for letting the cat out of the bag....
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