Christopher Lee's last Dracula performance
20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Having said that he would not play Dracula any more, Christopher Lee, however, once again appears in this role. Although, in his defense, the name Dracula is not mentioned in the film and his character is referred solely as the Count. Also, he objected using the word Dracula in the title. It is the French comedy "Dracula and Son" directed by Edouard Molinaro. The approach to the theme is quite different from Hammer's and the film somewhat realistically shows how the vampires, driven away from their castle in Transylvania with only shirts on their backs, manage without anything in modern society. While the son works the night shift at the butchery, in order to have access to blood, the father "plays" vampire in a toothpaste commercial. They both fall in love with the same girl, but while Dracula wants to bite her and keep her by his side through eternity, his son wants to become human and have a normal relationship. Their rivalry about the girl turns the second half of the movie into a classic slapstick comedy. Objectively, the only good thing in this film is Christopher Lee, and somewhat Bernard Menez who plays his son, while everything else, technically and substantially, is pretty bad. There's some decent humor occasionally, but do not expect that you will really laugh. However, it was interesting to see something new and different on this subject, and therefore I recommend it.

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