Davey and Goliath (1960–2004)
I love the original series. Not had occasion to see the newer ones.
13 January 2019
I don't remember seeing this show as a youth. I started watching as a young adult. I'm 68 1/2 now. (You know... middle aged.) I probably watched because there weren't 3,742 different channels available with innumerable methods of watching, saving, replaying, and/or time-shifting content. Although raised Catholic, I was never drawn to religion per se. We didn't read the Bible much growing up. All that said, I do remember really enjoying this show. It had some humor and a laid back, easy going feel to it that I think I may enjoy even more now. I'll have to start downloading some of the newer episodes. The big thing about this show is that they always had a positive message. Yeah, a good old morality play. Nuthin' wrong with that! We could use a little more morality these days along with some good will. Oh, and sorry, but I don't mean Bible thumping, soap-boxing and condemnation. I mean some patience, understanding and REAL Christian behavior towards one another. (Note to non-Christians: I use the aforementioned phrase since it fits my frame of reference. Please feel free to replace it with whatever role model suits your understanding of a positive and beneficial lifestyle.) Before I really start to rant I just want to say that this is a very enjoyable show and don't let the notion that it is "religious" throw you off. It really is worth watching. It is entertaining while promoting a "think about the consequences" message.

Addendum: The way I rate shows... I don't usually review anything less than a 7 because 6 would be a failing grade and I won't waste my time watching it. I'm old; I don't know how much time I've got left. Since I probably turned it off before getting even halfway through, it wouldn't be fair to rate or review it. 7 is watchable but I may go a while between episodes since, though somewhat entertaining, there are other shows more interesting or compelling. 8 would be a regular in my lineup. 9 is a must see and probably bingeable. 10 is just the epitome of superbity and headed for my all-time favorites list. I'm adding this to my reviews because it seems there are a lot of binary reactions to pretty much everything these days. I am not a like/unlike kind of guy. I see a lot of grays so if I give something a 10 it doesn't mean the only alternative is a 1.
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