Review of Cargo

Cargo (I) (2017)
Cargo: Flawed yet wondrous
29 December 2018
I'd heard very mixed things about Cargo, the one consistent thing said was that the film was sad.

Martin Freeman puts in arguably a career best performance in a zombie movie of all things! Telling the story of one mans quest to find a new home for his baby daughter before it's too late.

Now I'm a zombie movie lover but when it comes to "Alternative" zombie films I tend to be very disappointed in them. For example The Girl With All The Gifts (2016) and Maggie (2015) which were films I was really looking forward to but I felt let down by.

Cargo comes under the same category yet despite some glaring flaws it manages to overcome, is a truly enjoyable movie and an emotional rollercoaster of a ride.

An Australian Netflix movie it looks wonderful, goes for the realistic approach to a common (If overplayed) horror sub genre and tells a tour-de-force tale that Freeman knocks out of the park.

It has an odd number of flaws, head scratching moments and questionable pacing decisions that prevent it from truly being something special. But these things cannot take away from the fact that Cargo is a great film.

The Good:

Excellent performance by Freeman

Looks great

Original concept

The Bad:

Some frustrating writing decisions

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I'm not crying you're crying

When a movie makes me care about a kid, it's performed a miracle and deserves praise!
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