Super Cheesy
13 December 2018
Not surprisingly at all, this movie is really, really cheesy. They pretty much all are. This film takes the Leprechaun franchise and introduces it to modern society with every cliche you'd imagine. Smartphones, drones, selfies, and Prius jokes are the only things that are really new here. Making a return are the dumb limericks, bad jokes, cheesy effects, over-the-top kills, and subpar acting.

Overall, if you want to turn your mind off and watch a senseless movie (and who doesn't every once in awhile) you could do much worse. But then again, you could also do much better. If you're a fan of the original movies, you'll probably find some value to it. If you were not a big fan of them, this one won't change your mind at all. Very mediocre and low budget. 5/10
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