Keaton balloons to primitive forested habitat.
20 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Although Keaton pends relatively little time flying below the balloon, the 2 passages that relate to the balloon are certainly surreal. In the first such segment, Keaton uses a ladder to get to the top of the balloon being prepared for take off. When the appointed flier.steps into the basket, and the balloon takes off, he's left on the ground, because there is no bottom to the basket!. Never fear, Keaton will make his way from the top to the basket. He also initially finds that the basket has no bottom. But, strangely, when he is putting the duck decoys out below the basket, and when he is readying his rifle to shoot any bird attracted to the decoys, clearly, there must be a basket bottom. He sees what appears to be a white dove or pigeon clinging to the balloon. and fires his rifle, making a hole in the balloon, causing a rapid decent. He lands in a tree, breaking his fall, with a steam nearby, and somebody's canoe., which he makes use of after figuring out how to make the 3 sections stay together and not leak.....At the end of the film, when the canoe contains Keaton and a young sports woman, drifting down a river, the resurrected balloon comes into play again, being tied to the canoe, though not visibly, and whisking the canoe to safety when they go over a waterfall.......Another gag I found amusing features the sportswoman being confronted by a stray giant steer. Keaton, seeing the problem, fetches his rifle and makes his way across the river, submerging his rifle in the process. He takes aim, and shoots, but only water comes out, which hits the girl((Phyllis Haver) in the face. She now musters more courage, takes the steer by the horn, and wrestles it to the ground.......Much time is spent watching them fishing, or being chased by bears. I would have preferred more adventures in the balloon.
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