Final Examination (2003 Video)
Final Examination: Highly meh
12 September 2018
Final Examination is a murder mystery film and not what the front cover suggests. No supernatural element here, just a good old fashioned who done it.

Starring Kari "Sliders" Wuhrer we see a girl killed off during a hawaiian sorority reunion and a new cop transferred in from the big city is on the case. Teamed up with Wuhrer who is a terrible actress but on better than usual form here, it plods along like a standard made for television movie and provides no surprises.

For what it is it's not terrible, it looks solid, it sounds solid and the writing is competent.

What let's it down is just the overwhelming unoriginality and just how predictible the whole thing is.

If by the halfway point you haven't worked things out then I would find that all kinds of concerning.

For fans of murder mysterys this is lackluster, for every else.........worse.

The Good:

All made competently enough

The Bad:


Very by the numbers

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

When a killer is loose within a resort it makes perfect sense to go off night

Hugh Janus is a realistic name to use in a serious movie
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