Smithereens (1982)
Portrait of a female psychopath.
12 September 2018
This is another hard to find movie from the 80s which although is set in the punk scene, could easily be any scene where people have lofty aspirations of success. Many of the characters reminded me of big brother contestants, social media wannabees or those who fill nightclubs and bars trying to look cool and portray an image of success while at the same time being broke, unsuccessful and lonely. They live in a world which is all surface. The story concerns Wren, a female psychopath who spends her time stringing along friends and family to put a roof over head, food and money. This is unusual as we rarely get top see movies which focus on sociopathic women who arent serial killers. Examples of her psychopathic behaviours include pathological lying, grandiose sense of self-worth, cunning/manipulative, lack of empathy, failure to accept responsibility for actions, need for stimulation, parasitic lifestyle, poor behavioural controls, promiscuity, lack of realistic long term goals, impulsivity and irresponsiblity. Thats almost every item of the psychopathic scale! e, social At the same time she is intent on breaking into the music business and throws herself at any male she thinks can serve as her route to the lavish lifestyle she believes she is entitled to. The movie is basically a bunch of scrapes that Wren manages to get herself into based on her reckless behaviour and how these eventually test the patience of everyone around her. It could almost be seen as a black comedy. I have to disagree with many of the reviews on here about this movie. I simply did not find the ending of this bleak at all, if anything it has a happy ending if you like karmic endings. Its also a wonderful portrayal of a female psychopath which is rarely seen in cinema.
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