Review of Jackpot

Jackpot (1960)
Carl Wins the Jackpot - and Nets Twelve Quid!!
11 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Montgomery Tully was a versatile and prolific "B" movie director whose touch was always "A" grade. Originally working on documentaries during the war, he also made over a dozen short mysteries in the "Scotland Yard" series, mostly at Merton Park studios. "Jackpot" with it's cop-killer protagonist harked back to the "Blue Lamp" - even setting the climax in the claustrophobic realm of a sports stadium, Highbury, the Arsenal Football Club ground.

Carl Stock (George Mikell) is back in England and risking deportation to collect his share of the money owing to him from a robbery but it seems that everyone has moved on. Lenny (Michael Ripper gives an emotional performance), a former gang member has a seedy café but at least "I don't have to cross the road everytime I see a dick", his wife realises she doesn't love him anymore and now has a new boyfriend, a photographer and Sam (Eddie Byrne) has now come up in the world as owner of the Jackpot night club and doesn't want to know Carl anymore. Carl convinces a nervy Lenny to crack the Jackpot's safe but the robbery goes wrong and Carl kills a cop. Carl (who Mikell plays as a sociopath) goes to ground and the film now switches, to give the police a chance to shine. William Hartnell for all his star billing only comes in about half way through but from his first scene (in that plaid coat) he is masterful, he and his crack team can see that Lenny could be leaned on to talk but as Sam and his heavies learn Lenny is made of sterner stuff!!

This film has a strong message - there are no good guy crooks. While participating in the robbery Lenny wants to stay and help the soon toa be dead policeman, he has gone straight and has no time for crooks now!! Carl's wife (played by Australian born actress Betty McDowall) is sympathetic and sensible. The movie loses a bit of credibility at the climax - somehow in the thick of 10s of 1,000s of people Sam never loses sight of the agitated Carl.

A simple crime drama expertly done!!
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