The Punk (1993)
'94's Punkish Hit
25 August 2018
You gotta love Charlie Creed Miles. He's one of my favorite, Londoner actors, and highly underrated too. He headlines this film, in the title role, and does it wonderfully, as a lone rebel, like you've seen in a few Phil Daniel roles, who falls for a beautiful American chick, Rachel. We have a sort of Romeo and Juliet story going here again. Rachel's from affluent digs, while CCM's family is weird to say the least. His father is a cop, who works nights, while his mother of different race, Indian, whatever, is slowly going around the bed, and ends up a psyche ward. I really like the rebelliousness of Mile's character, and the setting of the Rachel character, is an interesting angle, a not too good Shakespearean actress and we spend a bit of time around her cast mates, where the old director/actor was fun too. Being an actor, I totally related with his character, and his lying to her fellow actress, as well as not confronting his own failing realization of stardom. Rachel's long haired boyfriend, (Oh, he's not really her boyfriend) just so happens to be after Miles, after so called being cheated by him in a pool game. And in these Romeo And Juliet scenarios, blood does flow, but not excessively, among some spurting and fountaining of the stuff. The Punk is just so darn fresh and original, another R film, like Sugar Hill, and Menace To Society, that missed an Adelaide cinema release. A true stand alone pic, each and every scene. Highly recommended. Amazingly written by someone, our two leads, junior.
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