The Victim (2011)
18 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Two women of low moral fiber Mary (Danielle Harris) and Annie (Jennifer Blanc-Biehn) go out on a date in the woods with two police officers Jim (Ryan Honey) and Cooger (Denny Kirkwood). Mary (Danielle Harris) is killed during sex by Jim (Ryan Honey) semi-accidentally. The cops decide to kill Annie, who has overheard the conversation and escapes to a cabin occupied by Kyle (Michael Biehn, her real life husband), a man who seemingly has deeper issues than the movie lets on.

The production moves into the abduction phase and uses flashbacks to build the girl's character. The questionable aspect as to the identity of the main character i.e. being a possible serial killer is hinted at, but never fully developed to where the audience knows with certainty. We are left with doubt as is Annie.

I liked the soundtrack and background music used in the film. They didn't go cheap. When two girls listen to music that sounds like Katy Perry, you know they put out. The character of Kyle was too underdeveloped or under utilized, perhaps Michael was wanting to give more of the story to his wife and not turn this into an ego fest.

PARENTAL GUIDE: f-bomb, sex, nudity (Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, the blond from "The Divide").
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