An Entertaining But Unnecessary Spin-off
10 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Totally unnecessary! We all knew what was going through our minds when we first heard the news about Solo A Star Wars Story. You cannot put a face to a legend while he is still alive and breathing. Hell, we are not over it yet! In comes the spinoff, totally uncalled for, and completely unnecessary that tries to cast a young actor, nay, more importantly, a look-alike, to carry on the legacy for years to come. Don't really see the point? Do you? Anyways as a Star Wars aficionado, more Star Wars stuff the better, right? So we went along with it when Ron Howard announced that he was making a spinoff of the legendary Han Solo to tell, nay fabricate, his part of the story before he ever made it to the first part like what was he doing all this time? What all adventures he embarked on? How did he meet Chewie? Why is his name Solo? All these prying questions about interesting people's lives often intrigue us, but it is better to leave that part to mere imagination. When you put a story in someone's past, there is a 50% chance that it might not justify a person's awesomeness. But then there is that 50% chance that might make you revere him/her even more. Luckily Solo A Star Wars Story edges itself precariously in between. It is at times good, at times fun and at times outright stupid. But is it good for the popularity for the character? Yes! Because that's when people compare versions. That's how Gods are made. Plot of Solo A Star Wars Story (Spoilers) Lovers Han (Alden Ehrenreich) and Qi'ra (Emilia Clarke) are trying to escape a local gang from Corellia by bribing an Imperial officer using a coaxium sample when Qi'ra is left behind. With a promise to get back to her and a dream to become the best pilot in the galaxy, Han joins Imperial navy as a flight cadet. Expelled 3 years later, he joins the infantry on Mimban. I am gonna be a pilot. Best in the galaxy. There he comes across Tobias Beckett (Woody Harrelson) and his team and sees through their cover. He tries to blackmail them but is outsmarted and thrown into a pit to be fed to a Wookie. Let me give you some advice. Assume everyone will betray you. And you will never be disappointed. Chewbacca That's where he meets Chewbacca. With his ability to speak the Wookie language, he befriends Chewie and escapes the pit. Coming on to the good side of Beckett, he and Chewie join them in their mission to retrieve coaxium shipment from Vandor - I. The mission begins to go awry as Cloud Riders show up headed by Enfys Nest. Two of the crewmates die and all of the coaxium gets destroyed. To make amends with Beckett who reveals that the shipment was actually meant for Dryden Vos (Paul Bettany) the crime boss of a Crimson Dawn syndicate, Solo accompanies Beckett volunteering to help him steal another coaxium shipment. On reaching Vos' yacht he comes across Qi'ra and finds out that she has joined hands with Vos and is one of their top lieutenants. Qi'Ra: What should we drink to? Han Solo: Let's drink two and see where it goes. Presenting a risky plan to steal coaxium before it is processed from the mines of Kessel, Solo manages to wheedle Vos. Vos agrees asking Qi'ra to join them on their mission. (Like really? What kind of a boss knowingly leaves his prized possession with an old lover?) You think everything sounds like a bad idea. Lando Calrissian Qi'ra brings the team to Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover) with hopes to retrieve his ship. Solo defies him for a game of sabbac with the wager being on each other's ship (with Solo bluffing to be having one). Lando cheats to win however agrees to help them for profits. Entry! *drum rolls* Millenium Falcon! Just did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs! The newly formed team reaches Kessel riding the Falcon. Lando's droid L3-37 sparks a droid revolt and under that diversion Solo manages to steal the unrefined coaxium. However, L3 fails to make it. Using her navigational computer to map an escape route, Han pilots the Millenium Falcon for the first time piloting it like a pro to escape Imperial assault. Then they land on Savareen to process the coaxium. That's when Enfys shows up once again. You happen to notice that freighter down there? You know what's on it? About 30 hired guns. All I gotta do is give 'em the signal, you are surrounded. Lando flies away with his Falcon. The Final Showdown Enfys (Erin Kellyman) reveals that she and her crew were all rebels trying to fight the Syndicate and the Empire. Sympathetic to their cause, Solo decides to help them by tricking Vos, but ends up getting double-crossed by Beckett. Vos sends his men to capture Cloud Riders but the latter overpowers them. Outsmarting Vos, Solo tries to take the coaxium but Beckett takes it instead. He takes Chewie as hostage too. Qi'ra kills Vos sending Han after Beckett. When she is alone she speaks to none other than Darth Maul about what happened claiming Beckett to be responsible. She demands Vos's position and is directed to return to Maul
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