A sour Mars bar out of 10
3 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is something else. It has so many problems it's hard to keep track. It feels absolutely disjointed and has very bad special effects.

The Bad:

1) Repeating animations. For a movie made in 2018 it has an embarrassing amount of repeating/looping/reversed animations. This can be because the budget of this movie was extremely small or it was mismanaged. Some viewers like myself are attentive to details and when animations are looped or reversed it can be very irratating to watch. I felt like I was watching a Hanna Barbara cartoon. Not only they repeat the animations over and over but a lot of them look mediocre.

2) Convoluted plot. The movie starts relatively slow. You can keep up just fine up till the movie introduces The Cube. From that point the movie starts to just throw all kind of subplots at you that feel utterly disconnected from one another and go nowhere. The Cube can teleport from planet to planet. Why? Doesn't matter.

Cube's teleportation can be activated via EM pulse. Why? Just because.

The AI randomly decides to pull a "humans are killing each other a lot so I will kill them all and start over because I'm an evil AI" trope out of its metallic ass and starts to nuke Earth from orbit somehow.

The Mars space station for some reason has a SWAT team with guns on it that tries storming the room with the main character and the AI? Why? How? What's the point?

After the AI kills everyone on earth it lowers the oxygen in the room so that it can suffocate the main character. She eventually suffocated and then they zoom into her eye and show some CGI space for solid 2 minutes and then zooms our to reveal her being fine and listening to a video recording of herself telling her she is a reconstruction of herself and that she has a job to do.

That entire sequence made me facepalm. The ending of this movie is supposed to be this mysterious and ambiguous thing that just doesn't work because of bad CGI and delivery.

3) one room. The movie has 1 real room to work with. The rest is CGI and it's bad. When the movie started off with a ship flying from earth to Mars and it didn't even bother to show the crew or the insides of that ship I instantly realized how limited this movie is. The room itself is not that bad. The AI robot looks alright. Can't really complain about the room most of the movie takes place in but lack of other environments gets old very fast. The movie occasionally throws in a scene with some bad CGI that makes you realize even more that the only real thing in the movie is the room with the AI. It really pulls you out of the movie itself. The people who made this movie should take note from 1408.

4) Too long and dragged out. This movie is 1h and 35m. A lot of time is totally wasted.


1) The AI was cool. The design reminded me of GLaDOS from portal. Couldn't tell if it was a real prop or CG but it was alright. The "server" room looked interesting. Basically what I'm trying to say is that the room they were in was well made.


This movie is like a very long and convoluted cutscene on playstation 3. It's watchable but I can't say that I would recommend it to someone or watch it again. It's not completely terrible. I defenetely seen worse than this though.
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