5th Passenger (2017)
Star Trek cast reunion
26 July 2018
This movie casts several members of the Star Trek family. Manu Intyrami (Icheb, Star Trek Voyager), Tim Russ (Tuvok, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine), Arman Schimerman (Quark, Deep Space Nine), Martina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi, Start Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Enterprise, First Contact, Star Trek Generations and 4 other Star Trek movies), Hana Hatae (Deep Space Nine, Star Trek The Next Generation, the daughter of transporter Chief Miles O'Brien) and Doug Jones from the upcoming series Star Trek Discovery. The combination of these actors as well as the other main character actors blends together very well. Although the plot does follow the same premise as the "Aliens" movies, these actors do bring their own distinct version of their characters to this movie. The CGI effects are very good and are convincing to the viewer. Some of the plot lines do tend to become slow at times, but the action scenes are very realistic. Being a Star Trek fan from the very beginning, I was impressed to see all the incredible talent these actors brought to this movie. To see these Star Trek actors in different roles was a nice change and they played their roles extremely well. I would add this movie to my Sci Fi collection.
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