Review of Class Rank

Class Rank (2017)
Different, But Very Enjoyable
13 July 2018
I went into this movie without high expectations and got a nice 100 minutes of entertainment, enough that I went back for seconds and watched it again.

A reviewer described the two leads in this as quirky to which I have to say I totally agree, although the boy is the more quirky of the two. For most of the movie I really liked the girl, then didn't like her, then liked her again. The boy was always likeable from start to finish and he reminded me very much of Napolean Dynamite.

Bruce Dern and Kathleen Chalfant's characters for me were the hit, they stole all the scenes they were in. Bruce Dern still has it, as if he ever lost it, he had my laughing on more than one occasion. I loved his comment about Lithuania near the end of the movie.

Eric Stoltz did a pretty good job directing this movie and I did not even recognise him in the movie first time round.

A movie I would definitely recommend if you like rom coms.
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