The X-Files: Beyond the Sea (1994)
Season 1, Episode 13
I Am Afraid to Believe
31 May 2018
'Beyond the Sea' is the first time where Mulder and Scully reverse their roles as believer and skeptic. But the most amazing part is the role of Brad Dourif as serial killer Luther Boggs - deep, emotional and intense. Played with nuance and bravura and without feeling one bit hammy. Probably one of the best performances great Brad Dourif has ever given. We also see other side of agent Dana Scully whose father died at the beginning of the episode. Her inner fighting and on the edge of falling apart under the pressure of psychopath Boggs who claims to own psychic powers. Tense psychological play between the two characters reminds little bit Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter in 'The Silence of the Lambs'. The intensity is there in both occasions. One of the best episodes and definitely the most haunting one from the season one.

Little bit of trivia - there is a cap of NICAP in the Mulder's office.
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