Deadpool 2 (2018)
Far from dead in the pool
22 May 2018
Like Marvel films better than some do, have never been and never will be part of this ridiculous MCU vs DCU war, and the positive critical reception drew me in to seeing 'Deadpool 2'.

Being someone who really enjoyed 'Deadpool', though not completely loving it, expectations were high for the sequel and they were met. Like 'Deadpool', 'Deadpool 2' was very entertaining, and again credit is due for trying to take more of a comedic edge to a genre that can be taken seriously (sometimes overly so) and for taking risks. It's also a very good film and count me in as another person who found it an even better film than its predecessor (not many superior sequels out there), being funnier and more ambitious with a much better and memorable villain.

'Deadpool 2' for me did have its issues. There are instances where the special effects are rather ropy and artificial-looking.

Also personally found Julian Dennison on the annoying side and parts of the story are disjointed.

However, 'Deadpool 2' is very well made visually. Slick, stylish and brooding with generally typically well crafted effects. The music is haunting and rousing and most of the direction is very assured and sharp, and more in control of the tonal balances. The action is dynamically choreographed and exciting (the parachuting is unforgettable), the scale bigger and bolder, and the romantic and emotional elements just about avoid the mawkish sentimentality trap and instead give 'Deadpool 2' its heart. While not quite as resonant as in the first 'Deadpool' there is more of the man behind the mask.

Most of the humour is very funny and has enough freshness, though its extremely black and sometimes crude comedic nature again has proven to be an acquired taste. The jokes are more consistent and there are less "don't quite land" ones, while there is the vulgarity, the crudeness does not go overboard. As said, that it, like the first 'Deadpool', that tried to incorporate humour into an often taken seriously genre was interesting and refreshing. The story is a pretty lightweight one structurally, while showing more ambition in depth and scale than its predecessor, and is occasionally disjointed, but the hugely energetic pace, emotion, tension and sense of fun elevated it. The final act is much better here, more exciting, less muddled and doesn't feel rushed.

Ryan Reynolds brings charismatic charisma, vulnerability and great comic timing to the title role, one he was born to play and he successfully allows one to root for his character. Even better is a brilliant Josh Brolin, bringing all the qualities, but with more gruffness and even more menace, that made Thanos in 'Avengers: Infinity War' such a great character and makes Cable a significant improvement by far over the villain in the first film, being actually memorable.

Zazie Beetz was a fun addition as Domino (don't agree with the criticisms directed against her), Morena Baccarin and her chemistry with Reynolds still has heart and all the cameos from the X-force members sparkle.

Overall, highly entertaining and a sequel and overall film that ticked most of the right boxes. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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