30 April 2018
Many people dream of moving to France or having a holiday pad there. We are lucky, we have a holiday pad and I have to say that we have loved watching this series. Yes, getting work done in France is extremely hard and yes, it is very expensive so you do learn. Seeing how others have been (brave or stupid?) enough to take on even more of a project and to risk more than we dared to risk has been amazing. It is entertaining, informative, light hearted, realistic and so much more. It helps that the production team have also been able to demonstrate how down to earth and likeable the chateau owners are too - it really has made those watching the program feel part of what is going on and this has been helped by the interactive facebook group which all owners appear to be participating on too. This has also added to the vibe. Yes, the reminders after the advertisements or when they swap to another chateau can be a little annoying but this seems to be the UK 'thing' now. If it was safety related I'd suggest it was implied in legislation somewhere which the UK would take to the n'th extreme and which the French would probably ignore ;)
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