Bud's getting too old now
2 April 2018
This was sadly the last good movie Bud and Terence did together, but even then it was obvious Bud Spencer was no longer as fit as he used to be. In previous movies you could really believe that the power in his punches could really have the effect they did. In this one though, he appears sluggish and seems to lack that power he had in previous movies. Age was surely taking its toll on him physically, which is probably why we only got one more movie after this one before they called it quits.

Both men played dual roles in this movie set in Brazil and I have to say they were surprisingly delightful as two toffee nosed, upper-class wimps. It showed just what comedy skills they had and they could do more than just play tough guys.

Classic line in this movie by Bud Spencer "I AM my dietitian!"
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