Review of The Titan

The Titan (2018)
Netflix Execs are as clueless as Facebook's...
1 April 2018
I watched this movie tonight cold, lured in by what looked like an interesting premise. Skeptical at first, I quickly thought "wow, this might be a deep and thought provoking film". Well, that quickly went down the tubes. What a shame, this could have been a really cool film, but it was completely disappointing and mediocre. The script outline was the basis of what could have been great, but instead it simply went nowhere--plot sequences that made no sense at all, technical dialog that was complete nonsense jargon strung together (seriously, you make a show for smart people and then think you can get away with that?!), and then a story that simply evaporated into nothing. The final scene and conclusion was perhaps the worst thing I have ever seen, it's as if they just got to the budget limit and gave up.

I am seriously losing faith in Netflix, I may soon pull the plug. They cancel epic masterpieces like Marco Polo mid-story in order to fund crap like The Titan. The Marvel stuff started off excellent, but judging from Jessica Jones season 2 so far, Netflix has overextended themselves on new content. There is no old content (worst movie selection ever).

Anyway, if you want to be teased by what could have been a great movie, and then see it abruptly end half finished (picture the death star before it blows up), watch The Titan. Otherwise, save yourself 90 minutes.
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