Oh Dear
23 March 2018
I used to watch Will Hay films as a kid but looking at some of them now, it really is woeful stuff. To think Oh Mr Porter is supposedly one of the better ones.

Hay plays Mr Porter, a wheeltapper at the start of the story with the joke being that he has little idea what a wheeltapper actually does.

However he gets a promotion thanks to his sister and is sent to Ireland as the new station master at Buggleskelly station. He teams up with sidekicks Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt. All of them are inept at running the station.

Mr Porter gets involved with One Eyed Joe who is supposedly regarded as a ghost by the locals who is haunting the place. This One Eyed Joe is a gun smuggler. The film is only enlivened by a train chase as Mr Porter and his cohorts try to stop the bad guys.

Pretty feeble stuff, a comedy of its time which has not aged well.
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