An Interesting Take on Life in New York (or France, or a Novel)
22 March 2018
Writing about writers usually goes well, because they (we?) know each other. But it also tends to reveal the same styles for the same grandiose thoughts, as with Jeff Bridges' character's thoughts and those of the also drunk, and also wise, uncle at the title character's friend's wedding. The writing in this movie is beautiful at times, but when the plot falls flat, it makes the writing feel weaker than it is. However: that is not to say it isn't very enjoyable. It is. It is far more heartwarming than its plot would suggest. And while it seems almost French in nonchalance, intermingling, and malaise, it also is delightfully American in the portrayals of/by Jeff Bridges, the artists, and the simple comedy amid silence. Those are difficult to pull off, and the credit goes to Jeff Bridges and to the writer, Allan Loeb, for bringing it all to fruition. The story may feel a touch coincidental, but the way it reverses (almost literally) towards a happy ending is so inspiring and uplifting and centering that I can easily ignore the disinterest both I and the movie appeared to have for those lesser points in the movie.

Thank you!
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