Tomb Raider (2018)
A worthy successor to the Angelina Jolie films.
10 March 2018
Video game movies are most of the time, follows a pattern: The movie stars one of Hollywood's most bankable actor/actress, a decent, well made trailer that showed some potential, and some really good BTS footage that keeps fans hoping that the curse will finally be broken. But eventually everything went in vain as the movie crash and burn in the box office, complete with bad reviews and not-so-promising box office results. Assassin's Creed, despite I was pleasantly enjoyed the movie, proved that even Michael Fassbender can't break the video game curse.

Now with 2018's Tomb Raider, the reboot of Angelina Jolie's (surprisingly decently bad) movie series of the same name, now based on Square Enix/Crystal Dynamics 2013's game coming up this March, will Alicia Vikander could live up to it's predecessor, and probably break the curse? I'd say... Yes... and no.

First of all, Alicia Vikander successfully captures the Lara Croft persona. She's really good in this movie, and it really shows that she's really dedicated for this role. Dominic West as Lara's father Richard also did a great job. Walton Goggins (who I found disturbing here since his face resembles a skull, no offense) is also very good in this movie. Daniel Wu doesn't do much in this movie, but he did a good job as well.

The action scenes looked fluid, real and grounded. It's clear that Vikander really go hard on this one, doing her own stuntwork and got bruises here and there. The set pieces, the cinematography and the music by Junkie XL really captures the danger that our main leads are facing. The nods to the original Tomb Raider at the end of the movie is also a nice touch. Director Roar Uthaug really knows how to keep the action going, and the end result look fluid and great.

However despite have everything that set this movie to a great start, it was bogged down by a number of problems. The movie has some of the most noticable CGI this year has to offer. Every shot that involves CGI looks bad and fake. The plot has, as usual with many movies coming these days, a number of plot holes. The big bad guy is, as usual, evil guy who wants this thing nomatter the cost (y'know, Hollywood bas guy cliche). There's also a scene in the movie that (might) "blind" you due to bright shuttering lights. Also, the final "dramatic" reveal/twist clearly sets up a sequel (which I don't know whether or not they'll succeed because I don't think this movie will please everyone)

But nevertheless, I really had a good time with Tomb Raider. The CGI's bad, the bad guy's really bad, and plenty of plot holes and questions unanswered, but the performances and some great stuntwork really saves this movie from being a snoozefest. Does it lived up to the Angelina Jolie movies? Yes. Does it broke the video game curse?.... Maybe not, but it's certainly one step to the right direction.

Overall: 7/10 For acting and action sequences.
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