Red Sparrow (2018)
Not An Easy Movie To Watch
2 March 2018
Anyone who saw Jennifer Lawrence in Darren Aronofsky's mind-trip horror spectacle, mother! which was a two-hour psychological rollercoaster ride, would agree that it may have been Lawrence's riskiest and bravest performance... until now. In the new thriller, Red Sparrow, Lawrence stars as Dominika Egorova, a Russian girl whose entire life revolves around being a prima ballerina for the Bolshoi Ballet and taking care of her very ill mother (Joely Richardson). When Dominika suffers a career-ending injury (an injury that will make you flinch and cringe into your seat), it quickly becomes apparent that it is also the end of the ballet-sponsored housing and medical care that her mother desperately needs. In steps her slimy, but dashingly handsome, uncle Vanya (an excellent Matthias Schoenaerts), who pulls her into a world of sex, seduction, murder and espionage. But not before enduring a grueling and brutal military-like training at Sparrow School, a sadistic program for new, young recruits being molded to become Russian spies. Charlotte Rampling who plays Matron, the head mistress, is a veteran spy who teaches the new recruits how to lose their inhibitions and to pry the weakness out of their enemies, all for the sake of their country. She trains them to be as cold and conniving as she is with the power of seduction and manipulation. This is where Lawrence shows her vulnerability, in a career-high performance.

In no time does Dominika starts using sex as a weapon. Whether it's with a colleague, an enemy, or a repugnant boss. She does what's needed to get the job done. No one said it was going to be glamorous. This has got to be Lawrence's most challenging role yet. Already, having earned four Academy Award nominations with one win (for Silver Linings Playbook), Lawrence is one of our best actresses working today. Not bad for someone who dropped out of school after eighth grade, which she recently revealed on 60 Minutes. Red Sparrow isn't an easy movie to watch. As a matter of fact, it's quite disturbing. There are torture scenes which are cringe inducing, rape scenes that look way too real and a fight scene between Dominika and two men which is one of the most brutal and gruesome fight scenes I've ever had the displeasure of seeing. Lawrence does bare all, but that seems tame considering the subject matter. Joel Edgerton plays the American CIA agent who falls in love with her. He's good, even with an American accent. Lawrence is fun to watch, too, Russian accent and all, especially when she utters lines like, "You sent me to whore school" to her uncle. But man, is Red Sparrow violent and graphic, and yet, offers no apologies for it. Many will find the film too much to handle. And rightfully so. Still, it's a great thriller that will leave you breathless till the very end.
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