21 February 2018
But not "dumb" in a purposefully insulting way. "Dumb" as in it feels like it was made by a child. Everything is incredibly obvious, on the nose, cheesy and you can see it coming from a mile away. This movie doesn't do subtle, or thoughtful, or anything really. It honestly feels like something a 6th grader would make. At first I was bored, then I was angry and by the time the end credits rolled I was laughing out loud at how silly it is. Halfway through I gave up on the promise of any story and just sort of stick out to see who gets the bullet as it really seemed that's the only way this movie could've ended.

You want to add 7 points to that because of the real issues and human tragedies it deals with? Feel free to do so. But theme aside, this is a surprisingly poor movie.
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