Superman vs Godzilla
18 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Superman vs Godzilla.

The story begins as the narrator tells about a Tyrannosaurus Rex found frozen in perfect condition in Siberia. The monster was shipped to a museum, where it is kept frozen using special refrigeration equipment. Next we people looking at the monster, which looks alot like Godzilla, in the museum. Lois is sent to do a story on the monster, because it is possible that, if the ice were to thaw, the monster might still be alive. The guide shows Lois around the refrigeration plant that is responsible for keeping the monster frozen. He then shows her the generator, and then proceeds to show her the control room downstairs. The guide being a total idiot, places an oil can on a shelf right next to the generator. As the guide shows Lois the control room, he explains that any rise in temperature could be dangerous. But then the oil can falls into the turbine, jamming it. The workers nearby turn off the equipment, so they can quickly repair the damage. But they are not quick enough. We see the temperature rise from freezing, to melting, to DANGER level. The ice around the monster begins to melt. Everyone flees the museum, except Lois, of course. As Lois attempts to call the Daily Planet from the museum, The monster destroys the entire building, leaving Lois in the rubble. The police and military tries to stop the monster, and shoot at it, but to no avail, as the monster goes on a rampage through the city. Clark Kent of course hears about this, remembers Lois is in the museum, changes into Superman, and flies off to the museum. Superman shouts Lois' name, and it turns out she is alive and well, under the destroyed museum. He then tells her to get back to her office where she'll be safe. But Lois, wanting the story of course, doesn't listen to Superman and follows the monster. And it's now up to Superman to save the day.

As a big fan of Godzilla, i absolutely love this cartoon, but i will admit that it does have a few flaws. Like the scene where the monster breaks through this very rubbery suspension bridge. And then Superman just lifts the bridge up again, and then ties the bridge back together. Wait, didn't the monster just break half the bridge, how can he put it back together, how does it make sense?? The rubbery way the bridge moves looks silly and unrealistic. I know it's a cartoon, but this series is suppose to be a more realistic and action-packed cartoon series. And it also kinda bugs me that this doesn't have as good action scenes as the previous four. However those things are just nitpicks, and what really makes this cartoon, is the Arctic Giant itself. Many people on IMDB complained that the design of the T-Rex is unrealistic, and scientifically incorrect. However, the reason i think this design is so awesome is that it looks so much like Godzilla, and just for the record, this came out first. And i don't think i've seen any film made before this, short or full-length, with a monster that looks so much like Godzilla as this. So it doesn't matter if the design is scientifically incorrect, just the thought that this cartoon could have inspired Toho is pretty damn awesome. And even though the action scenes aren't as good in this as the others, they are still pretty good. The highlight is when the monster destroys a dam. Superman comes and fixes it by pushing tons of rocks in to fill the gap in the dam.

Overall a great cartoon with a few flaws. But as a fan of Godzilla, i can say that this one is pretty damn awesome. 9/10.
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