Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
"Hold on, I think my pizza's here."
30 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, not a lot of love on this board for 'USS Callister'. I thought it was a blast right out of the box, knowing that the opening sequence was some sort of spoof that was going to be carried out through the rest of the story. As a fan of the original 'Star Trek' series, I enjoyed the characters and the similarities they shared with their Enterprise counterparts from the 1960's, especially actress Michaela Coel's resemblance to Nichelle Nichol's Uhura. The distracting thing though, was Robert Daly's (Jesse Plemons) resemblance to Matt Damon. That's who I kept thinking whenever he came on screen. The story itself you could poke holes through left and right. It doesn't make sense to me that a digital clone of someone would have that person's memories or share the same hang-ups their human counterparts would have. In service to the story though, this was an entertaining exercise that deviated from the often bleak, dystopian world that makes up much of 'Black Mirror'. The writers even managed to insert some sci-fi gobbledy-gook that I enjoy so much, such as when Captain Daly ordered the Callister into that asteroid gas cluster charged with ionized pyron particles, thereby increasing the ship's photon intensity. Too bad about the plasmorthian crystal though, they never did manage to get hold of it.
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