Finding Santa (2017 TV Movie)
Santa's Slowly Sliding out of Style
29 January 2018
I watch a lot of Hallmark movies, something many men probably can relate to as their girlfriends or wives consume the coziest holiday movies. This one wasn't too bad, for a Hallmark. Brace yourself for recycled story-lines, Christmasy cliches, and a whole lot of fake snow. The basis of this story centers around Santa (who's not the real Santa but does sport the rotundness) who breaks his arm and gets the Christmas crazy blonde to convince his son (definitely not real Santa) to replace him in the parade. But there are a few bumps along that road all leading up to a sweet conclusion---that everyone knew was coming. Hallmark happy endings and all that. Hey, Hallmark, here's an idea: next time try for something a little less trite? One of my biggest problems is the lack of creativity in these story-lines. Is anyone considering that Santa is an old tradition which may have a shelf life? I think there is opportunity here to dive into a deeper story around the cheery old man in the fading suit. Before he turns into a diabetic cookie monster... So if Santa's role can be filled by younger men, what's left for all the old guys to do who have dodged the razor for so long (in order to support festive facial hair)? It may or may not be a serious question.
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