Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
A ridiculous premise...made enjoyable.
23 January 2018
The best thing about "Black Mirror" is the originality of the story ideas. "USS Callister" is certainly original! The only real problem is the premise, though very original, is utterly ridiculous. My advice is just suspend your disbelief and go with it!

The show is about a very passive-aggressive man, Robert Daly. Although he's extremely shy and easily pushed around at work, he's developed an ultra-bizarre way of exacting revenge and feeling all-powerful. He's designed a huge multiplayer game but is apparently so brilliant that he's able to create exact copies of his hated co-workers and he torments them in this alternate reality. Here, Daly is the captain of a space ship (VERY MUCH like "Star Trek") and is these co-workers don't do EXACTLY what he wants, he tortures them. Eventually, a new co-worker is recreated in this world...and she's determined to defeat him even though he seems to hold all the cards.

Just ignore the voices in your brain that say "you can't do THAT" and the like. Of course you can't...and it's a fantasy show. So sit back and enjoy...though the show is occasionally tough to watch because Daley is indeed a sadist.
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