Rellik (2017)
Genius story-telling
10 January 2018
Rellik, ('killer' backwards), isn't exactly told in reverse, but more in the natural way that normal people would tell stories, e.g. with sidebars, flashbacks, and oh-by-the-ways. Since we're conditioned to watch TV stories unfold in a linear way, Rellik may take getting used to, but it's brilliantly stitched together by writing-brothers Harry Williams and Jack Williams who seem genius in their ability to time EXACTLY when the audience will wonder, "Wait now, WHO did such & such?" If you liked the way that sister-writers Lana & Lilly Wachowski told Sense8, you'll resonate to Williams' style.

Director/Producer Sam Miller, lends his signature nuvo-noir style (Luther, Fortitude & Guerilla), sharing directorial roles with Hans Herbots (Spiral, Verlengd Weekend).

It's definitely a creep-fest of likely suspects with lead Richard Dormer (GofT) actually delivering a more believable performance when he's hideously scarred than when not. Far more restrained and nuanced is the performance by co-star Jodi Balfour, who is the better actor.

Don't believe the poor IMdB rating. Rellik is a brilliant series that attempts to examine not just the killer's motive, but the interlocking motives of all the other players--think Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applied to human behavior.
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