Review of USS Callister

Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
The mirror universe of Galaxy Quest
29 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
With overtones of 'I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream' by Harlan Ellison this was a superbly written - produced and acted episode.

Whereas in Ellison's apocalyptic masterpiece a computer called the shots - here it was a human although it was hard to tell the difference.

So what happens when you're a bit of a bullied geek in the real World? Well you create your own Universe where you're in total command and have God like powers to bully digital versions of chosen employees from your company.

Perhaps we've all imagined ourselves in an alternative World - free to do as we please - well almost for in this World the poor captives had been given the same tools as Action Man to procreate - a good example of how to make things that can't proceed smoothly.

Could it ever happen? Well media giants are collecting more and more data about us - and already you can leave a digital version of yourself - but can a digital version achieve consciousness? Well we'd certainly would be going to where no one has gone before - and with a limitless digital galaxy to explore I'm sure our digital selves would have a whole lot of fun.
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