A surprisingly good and enjoyable movie that captures the spirit of the original pretty well
24 December 2017
Wow, just when you thought this movie will bomb... When it was first announced, everyone has low expectations for the stand-alone sequel to the late Robin Williams's 1995 hit. Everyone believes it's going to be a massive failure..

Then BOOM! Defying everyone's expectations, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a surprisingly fun, enjoyable movie, that manages to stay true to the originals, while at the same time, might be one of the best video game movie so far.

For starters, Dwayne Johnson once again proves that he's likable in every role he recieves, and his role as Smolder Bravestone speaks for itself. Kevin Hart literally plays himself, and he did a great job as Franklin Finbar. Karen Gillan did a great job as Ruby Roundhouse, despite being in a uncomfortable (and controversial) outfit. Jack Black is also really good in his role as Oberon. Nick Jonas also did a good job as Seaplane. The teenagers (Alex Wolff, Ser'Darius Blain, Morgan Turner, and Madison Iseman, playing the real-life counterparts of Dwayne, Kevin, Karen, and Jack's characters respectively) did a great job as well.

One of the things that made this movie works really well, is the "fish-out-of-the-water" story. Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, and Karen Gillan, all play a role that's not familiar to them, and they really did a great job. The pacing is perfect, explaining the plot right off the bat, resulting in a more fleshed out and more interesting story. Also, as the game is essentially a video game movie, there were plenty of video game references that some people might don't get it, but for those who understands, I think that it's a great throwback and a cool easter egg as well. The humor in this movie, it works perfectly. There's surprisingly plenty of sex jokes that works, but also not overused. The fight scenes are also very entertaining and over the top too (again, it's a "video game" movie, real life physics don't apply).

Unfortunately, the movie does suffer from several aspects. The villain, played by Bobby Cannavale who btw did a good performance, like any other movie, is a simple, 1D character, who is simply evil. Though can be menacing, it doesn't change the fact that he's nothing more than some really evil guy who wants to rule everything and destroy anything stands in this way, etc. I also noticed that Kevin Hart's character is the only one of the main characters that is, seemingly not affected by the fish-out-of-the-water situation. I wish Kevin's performance were more out of his usual persona/fish-out-of-the-water performance, rather than playing as himself. Also, Dwayne Johnson and Karen Gillan has little to no chemistry whatsoever in their really odd awkward romance subplot, and the movie didn't take the more risky route, which is a shame since the final act is, personally, is kinda anticlimactic.

Nevertheless, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle proves that Hollywood actually can make a good sequel to the old classics that brings something new to the table, while at the same time stays true to the originals. Fans of the original movie, while could be dissatisfied by the change from the board game to a video game, should watch this movie and came out satisfied, because I believe Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle captures the spirit of the original very well, and I'm really happy that it's actually really good and not just a bad attempt at milking money.

Final Score: 8/10
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