Powerful Cold Water Splash In The Morning
14 December 2017
This movie popped up on my Amazon account due to another movie related to one i enjoyed. All i can say about Somewhere Else Tomorrow is how on earth is it possible to get so much value and inspiration from a movie documenting a real-life adventure and totally capture it with a shoe-string budget. Well they say truth is stranger than fiction and it is indeed.

Think about it... The premise of just taking off on a world motorbike tour adventure as a life not a vacation. Knowing you have limited money and you will have to work along the way in unknown environments with unknown conditions to keep moving or just to survive. Well that alone is enough to mistakenly classify this movie in the Horror genre... but stunningly it's far from it.

This movie was not only inspiring and adventurous. It was built on a foundation of sincere and compassionate purity that can't be captured in fiction no matter how well contrived in a Hollywood script. The only thing i was missing from Hollywood was a little finer touches on the post interview sessions from the gentleman interviewing and occasional narrations from the female voice in the movie. Just felt a bit contrived and slightly dramatic from the woman when the story itself didn't need any of that. The story and experiences stand entirely on their own merit. That said one of my top 10 now for sure maybe even top 5 movies

Daniel's incredible ingenuity along the way to keep the bikes running and survive the situation of the day was exceptional. However, when you combine that with his calm, steadfast relentless determination to push on in the face of serious adversity, fear and further into a road-bound lifestyle unlike what we all know. All while hoping the universe smiles on him. This just transcends film and touches the soul of the digital generation of people who lived or are living the very lives Daniel/Lars were trying to escape. Many/Most of us would have given up, but Daniel didn't.

"Not The End" is the closing credit of the film as Daniel takes a slight detour for his girlfriend who is also just as passionate about his dream to circumvent the globe on motorbike as he is but she needs preparation to complete the next half of the trip with him... and he needs the motivation to finish this lifelong journey the way it was really intended... which is sharing it with someone you love.

I can't wait for the next installment and Daniel if you ever read this. I pledge $100 for your trip and hopefully a longer digital cut of the next half of your adventure. Amazing inspiration, and what you helped do for those children well is a very real part of human nature and our capacity for good that can only be capture in a pure state of authenticity.

I was spiritually astonishing you were in exactly the right place at exactly the right time to help those kids. Seems to me that the universe may have had as much or more to do with putting you on this journey than even you did.

Best hopes and wishes for the 2nd half of the adventure.

Tim Wiley
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