Patchwork (2015)
Millennials Rip Off of Frankenhooker
1 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If, like me, you adore 'Frankenhooker', this film will irritate the hell out of you.

I don't know if it was created with the okay of Frank Henenlotter - I doubt it.

It has the 'date night with a severed head' scene, the crunchy, clicky staggering of Frankenhooker, even a failed attempt to replicate Patty Mullen's iconic facial expressions and the 'mad doctor' looks like he could be the son of James Lorinz. There's even the 'love interest dies at the end and the girl monster brings him back as a boy monster' ending (granted, without the boobs).

It takes what is a classic, brilliant, funny film that's full of heart, and rams it in a blender with everything that sucks about the Millennial generation.

I'm not even going to start on the continuity issues (arm falls off during sex, but magically reappears back on the monster. Arm falls off after a fall, magically reattaches itself, inability to move at all to sprinting in a matter of minutes - the list goes on)

If you've seen 'Frankenhooker' and adore it, steer clear.

If you haven't seen it? Watch it instead. The source of the body parts is far funnier and more imaginative, for a start. There's also no tedious, obligatory 'makeover' scene.
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