Salt and Fire (2016)
Tragically misunderstood
18 November 2017
It's an abomination to feature "reviews" by philistines who clearly have no more familiarity with films of distinction than mountain boars have with haute cuisine, which, of course, is wasted on them. They are like the ignorant savages who threw shade on Picasso because his revolutionary deconstruction of faces and figures violated their slavish and unimaginative devotion to representational art. Their obtuseness in the face of an artist like Herzog would not be lessened by my or anyone's efforts to enlighten them here. They are no doubt sealed in their benighted pits of uncomprehending intellectual quicksand for the remainder of their sad, ludicrous lives on earth. Instead of proudly demonstrating their unabashed ignorance here, they would be better advised to slink off to populate over-ripe venues like Rotten Tomatos.
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