Almost unbearably lame; only die-hard fans of Hogan should find it
20 October 2017
Terry (Paul Hogan) is a petty thief who is just getting out of prison. Fellow inmates tease him that maybe he should take up bank robbery but he declares he is a new man. Yet, once out in the world, he dons a Willie Nelson disguise and ROBS A BANK. He gets away with it! Emboldened, he tries again as Rod Stewart the robber but is foiled. Rushing out of the lobby, he nevertheless sees a car coming straight at a small boy. Knocking the child out of the way, Terry is struck! Next thing he knows, Terry is in the clouds and God (Charlton Heston) tells him his last action may get him into heaven. BUT BUT BUT, WAIT! God is sending him back to earth to perform acts of kindness as an "angel apprentice". Then, its possible his life on earth may be extended. Landing back on the streets, Terry tries to fly without success. He asks for a sign and spies a truck of Moses the Movers. Hitching a ride, Terry lands in Northern California with a family who does need him. There's wheelchair bound Steve (Elias Koteas) and his sister, Rose (Linda Kozlowski) who are running a clubhouse for disturbed kids. Can Terry redeem himself among these two good people? Okay, I loved Crocodile Dundee and think Hogan has an understated humor that is charming. But, this is no CD my friend! Oh, having Heston as God is a stroke of genius and there are some amusing scenes where Terry tries to reason with a priest about his mission on earth. Koslowzki, too, does a fine turn as Rose. However, the funny spots are few and far between and the movie is a disjointed mess. The blame must fall on Hogan, who wrote it, and a very lame direction. Unless you will sit through anything or are a enthusiastic fan of Hogan, you would be well advised to skip it.
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